For sale

Sunset Droppings

A place we often walk or cycle past. And every time it’s different. Even within a day everything changes. That fact formed the inspiration for two paintings, one of which is: ‘Sunset Droppings’. It shows the spot just before sunset. The grass on the dike has just been hayed and wrapped in agricultural plastic to form black ‘droppings’. The evening sun reflects beautifully on the black plastic and in the ditch.

‘Sunrise Stripes’ is the other painting and shows the same place, but now just after sunrise. The sun makes long shadow stripes through the row of trees along the road. The shadows are so long that they go over the ditch and even over the dike. A dike with freshly mown grass. You can almost smell it.

The two paintings are not officially a diptych, but it would still be nice if they could stay together. They both measure 80x80cm and the horizon is at the same height in both works.

N.B. This work, together with the painting ‘Summer Stroll‘ was exhibited from 11 November 2023 to 12 May 2024 at the Dutch Museum of Lithography in Valkenswaard during the exhibition ‘PUNT. Pointillism. Pop-Art. Pixel.’






Limited editions

 1.900,00 (incl. VAT)

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