For sale

Perfect Peace

As with many of my paintings, the inspiration for this piece came from a walk in my immediate surroundings. Looking up as we walked under a row of trees, I saw two doves sitting peacefully on a branch. I shot – at a safe distance – a picture of the scene with my mobile phone and actually knew immediately what the title would be. When I started working on the painting, I was mainly reminded of the war in Ukraine, but before it was finished, the war in Gaza was added. And so, unfortunately, there are more places in the world where things are all wrong. However, the message in the work remains: I wish everyone in the world as peaceful an existence as these two lovebirds. Make love, not war!


When I had long since finished this painting, I came across the Peace Now poster campaign on social media and was immediately pleasantly surprised by this positive initiative by Marije Lieuwens from Utrecht. The posters with the peace dove (an illustration by Max Kisman) immediately reminded me of my painting ‘Perfect Peace’. Because this work and the poster campaign match so well, I came up with the idea to publish a Special UNlimited Edition of giclée prints of this work, with part of the proceeds going to the Peace Now poster campaign as a donation. With this money, Peace Now can again have posters printed and thus keep spreading the message of peace. I came across the Peace Now posters on Instagram, but the idea is precisely that you should see the posters everywhere on the street: on pillars, behind windows, etc. In the Netherlands but if possible also outside. So: if you want a Special UNlimited Edition of ‘Perfect Peace’ and thus contribute to Peace Now’s fantastic poster campaign, buy it in my Webshop PRINTS.

Here you can see how this painting was created in many short strokes with the flat brush:






Limited editions

 2.400,00 (incl. VAT)

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